^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Apr 4, 2008


So TF2 is over. At least the series is, TF2 remains, with all its glory! But we are getting back into the swing of things. Ofcouse now I can't spend endless hours playing TF2, and call it research. :{

This Bi-Weekly thing might kill me, but I'll roll with it until it becomes too much, if that bothers to happen. We are currently shooting for Mondays and Fridays. But seeing as we haven't hit a release date in a week or so, who knows...

Also I would like to thank all the great guys(and gals) over at Virginia TF2. If you don't know, Virginia TF2 is the BEST server to play some TF2 on. They got a server that run 24/7 2Fort. I highly reccomend you check them out, and for only five bucks you can get a reseved slot and play whenever you want to! By the way, I'm not affiliated with Virginia TF2 in any way, I just love their server.

Thanks go out to Overcow, Conad, OrkinJon, and HarblongCassidy for letting me use their names.

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