^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Apr 6, 2008

Behind the Panels

Another layout change and a small note about the upcoming Episodes.

I'm liking this layout better than the previous, so it might hang around a bit. I believe McNaire is working on something, an entire webpage devoted to O/P, or something like that.

The new Title Bar, is coming along, but as McNaire put it...

McNaire: So you want your new title bar huh?
McNaire: Do you want a good one or a slap-crap job?
KoreRat: Well, I thought it was gonna premier with this episode..
McNaire: We can hardly complain about deadlines. :p

Look for it after 'Bridging the Boot' is over.

Also here is a little peek of how Opti-Pessi comes together. It all starts with my artwork.

Episode 13
Episode 13 SketchEpisode 13 SketchEpisode 13 SketchEpisode 13 SketchEpisode 13 Sketch

Episode 14 Orignal Draft
Episode 14(Orignal Draft)

Yes, I know. I should draw for some big dollar animation company...

All the news for now(I think), Episode Fifteen is tomorrow.

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