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Apr 22, 2008

KoreRat, you fail!

So I was playing some TF2 earlier today. That in its self is not really news, I tend to play TF2 everyday. And it was a rare time when I found myself on a server other than VaTF2. But on some server called goovod, goovio, voogod, voogio, or whatever it was. It wasn't a bad server, but I noticed a major lack of teamwork going with the BLU team. While there was plenty of it going around for RED. Can you guess what team I was on? Yea,....BLU.
***EDITORIAL: The servers name is voogru***

But other than my normal skill, somewhere around a lucky crit whore, I fared a few stupid moments but more so good skill based runs. I had a teammate say to me "KoreRat, you fail!". Confused, yes. Apparently there was an enemy behind me shooting me while I was attacking the enemies in front of me. For not noticing, I fail... Umm? wtf? I'm....completely confused by this... But at least he said Kore Rat and not Korea, I tend to get that a lot. It's KORE SPACE RAT people!!

Also, I've been profiled. No, not in the good way. By one of the worst directors in Hollywood. I'll assume you know of Uwe Boll, if not Google it(even though I'm anti Google). But Mr. Boll said, and I quote:

“You go for it, to please the game fans, but on the other hand if you have the hard core gamers, they live in their own world. And you cannot fulfill their ideas from a video game based movie, it’s impossible, and to be honest, the real gamers are the typical download guys, right? They don’t pay anything for movies, because they illegally download the movies. So why I should please these guys? I need the normal audience.”

Mr. Boll, you need ANY audience... I saw one of his flicks, and well that was enough. If nothing else he has a great track record of turning out wretched adaptions of good video games. I stand to say for all of us hardcore gamers, that even though we may aquire a movie by means that involve no currency transactions, we would never waste our bandwidth on anything touched by Uwe Boll.

But the best thing, is this. When he asked Blizzard if he could buy the rights to a WoW movie, they responded with "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you." Greatness!

Finally, I'm changing my Steam name to 'It's KORE(space)RAT people!'

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