^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Apr 28, 2008

Hammer & Scribble

Something a few loyal readers may have noticed is the apparent apartment change. Well, this wasn't entirely on purpose. The apartment seen in the Holiday Special was a quick pick with no real panning involved, it worked for the time needed. The apartment seen in Episodes 4+ was one I discover on garrysmod.org. While that again, served it's ends. It's time now for Opti and Pessi to find a true home of their own. Enter Source SDK.

While I have dabbled in map making before, I've never really created anything that I truly enjoyed. And with the help from some tutorial videos on YouTube. I have begun working on a brand new home for our beloved Opti and Pessi. But, to be honest, it ain't that great.

Help? Anyone? If there is anybody that has some experience with Hammer and/or knows somebody that does, and is willing to do up a apartment map for a very anal client, drop me a line at korerat@comcast.net, or find me on steam at the same. Or, if you just have some tips or know of places to get some. I'm going to make sure that this will become the first map that I complete and actually like.

A few other tid-bits about the apartment:
-The reason the apartment is being changed may have something to do with a hard drive format and no longer being able to find the old copy of the map on garrysmod.org
-The current Series may have been brought into play sooner than planned, due to the possible loss of the apartment map.
-The apartment map has/had a lobby and four apartments(all with the same floor plan), and was a bit of a shabby throw together with missing walls/textures in various places.

Also, the series involving Master Chief from Halo has been canceled. Due to my disinterest(also known as hatred) with the Halo series. If I anger and Halo kids out there, deal with it.

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