^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Apr 18, 2008


So McNaire and I have been working on the new site and stuff. He's got a bunch of ideas he's trying out, to see if I give them the 'ol "Okay!". $20 says I will. He's just that damn good.

Speaking of... How many of you noticed the Nod insignia he placed on the Pyro's arm in Episode 14? I missed it completely until he pointed it out later, and I'm supposed to give them one last QA before they post. That boy is good.

But here is a little sneak peek of the current setup, striped of course. Really just a layout with the basic gist. Keep in mind this was taken by me, on my 1440x900 resolution monitor. It will be designed for 1024x768, so anybody using large(like myself) may not get the best look, but we can deal.

As you can see, we got a working dropdown menu for quick Episode selection, Prev/Next links for easy reading, and it will keep the most recent comic at the top of the page, while news and other posts will fall in line below it. No more having to search through all my rambled posts to find the latest comic.

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