^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Apr 16, 2008

My Fan-Base, It Hurts...

So McNaire and I were discussing the current Opti-Pessi Fan-Base. Or, well...

McNaire: And you need to keep up the PR work.
KoreRat: Brb\
McNaire: We need fans!
McNaire: There's gotta be something we're missing to pull more people in.
McNaire: It's not like our comic is bad.
McNaire: There much, much worse out there with huge fan bases. :
McNaire is now Offline.

Do we have fans? I assume so, we average four hits a day, that's gotta mean something. Right? Unless that's just the lonely miscreants who stumble upon the site only to leave shortly after realizing it's not porn.

BUT! To apease the Great McNaire, I have done some PR work at the following locations:

Fourm Planet
Steam Fourms
Drunk Duck
Random YouTube Video
Fourm I Have Never Seen Before
Random MySpace Video
Comic Space - Public Bulletin
My MySpace Page

Is that enough PR? I'm sleepy and want to go to bed now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came here from the steam user forums and I have been coming back every day to look for the next comic. I think it's great.