^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Dec 11, 2008

I'm not dead...

Despite the rumors, I'm not dead. Nor is McNaire or Garin. We've... uhh... been busy...? with other stuff... I guess...

We did start a Thanksgiving Special. We did mention a second season of Opti-Pessi. I think I even mentioned a few more BLU's yet-to-be-released. And all of this stuff, is still hanging out on our collective hard drives.

Speaking of hard drives. I finally got around to getting my CD collection ripped.

Now it's time to get that hard drive I've always wanted.

But that's off topic, or is it? I don't really remember.

The point is, we are around, we are working on comics and projects and such. But we are slaves to the retail world, and this being the craziest time of the year for us retail peons, it's just hard to find time.

We also lost the ability to run our own GMod servers. I used to be able to host them, but now I'm on a local network, and we've never been able to computer on a local network to host a server. I might work out a way to run a dedicated on one of the other computers, but I don't think that will solve the problem. I'm also pricing the cost of buying a GMod server, as well as web space and a proper dot com.

I also really enjoyed writing the 'Anatomy of a Comic', and want to try to do some more things like that.

Anyways, I hope to get some stuff coming this way shortly, and I am still hoping on Opti-Pessi season 2 to be released on/around Christmas, but that's still in the air a bit.

1 comment:

iro wiki said...

Thats alot of files I wish I had a bigger hard drive