^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Nov 11, 2008

Ess Tee Ay Ell Kay Ee Arr

Spent a good portion of the evening working on getting the Credits page updated. I think I have everything on there now. Even added a few things to pop in with Opti-Pessi: Season Two.

McNaire and I did some shooting tonight also, then he managed to spend two hours messing up and fixing GMod. I don't think he fixed it yet, just gave up due to fatigue. A few jolly good laughs.

Still planning on posting those last few BLU's. But there is a lot going on in both the McNaireHood and the KoreRatHood. So, may be a little longer.

One of the reasons might have something to due with the fact I bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl the other day, and have already logged a good ten hours in it. Sadley, I don't think I've done much of anything yet...

Anatomy of a Comic is completed. Part five was written in about two minutes, and when I re-read it a few hours later I didn't feel like it came across how I ment it too. So I re-wrote it, so give it a second look. And if you missed it read the whole thing.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

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