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Aug 28, 2008

BLU Fridays

BLU begins it's run tomorrow. It's a strictly TF2 comic that follows three members of the BLU team. If you saw the announcement six weeks back you already have an idea as to what it is. If not, read on.

BLU will be the next challenge set forth by myself to create a humorous and remotely successful webcomic. The challenge I have given myself with this project is to create a new comic weekly without a continuous storyline or arc of any kind. In concept this seemed an easy idea, in practice it has proven more difficult than originally believed.

This is also a far more involved attempt to pose with the models and props from TF2. While most things are handled the same as the HL2 props, some are more difficult and have extra joints. As seen in the sneak-peek release of the Heavy update issue I still have some tweaking to do both in my ability to pose and write.

With practice, hard work, and a lot of luck, look for BLU tomorrow and every Friday until I rack my brain dry. Then after that, when I run though all the cliches and over-played jokes.


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