^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Jun 1, 2008

State of the Comic

I found out yesterday at Food Lion(my second job) that they need people in other areas of the store. Thus starting today I'm no longer working in the Deli, and am now in Grocery. I was also told that I could have as many hours as I so chose to have, up to 40. Now, I doubt I'll take 40 on top of the 40 I work at my day job, but you never know.

Therefore, Monday will have a comic release, Friday however, may not. McNaire is finalizing the finishing touches on Mondays Comic as we speak(well, technically he's not home this very second, but he's getting it done in between his RL duties and TF2 Medic Achievements). I have started Fridays, but am not even halfway done with it, and not sure if I will have the time to complete. I hope to get it done in time for McNaire for polish and post.

If there is no time, there will be no Friday comic, and that comic will be released on next Monday. I also believe that my working in the Grocery department my become a permanent thing, along with the extra hours, and since I need the money, I'll take the hours. If this does happen, Opti-Pessi will be forced to fall back to once a week releases...

I'm gonna try hard at keeping things running smooth for Bi-Weekly, but just want to keep you guys aware of the possibilities of the future.


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