^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Feb 27, 2008

What Started It All.

So I was looking around at the pictures on my MySpace page, and I found the pictures I did that started my whole 'Comic' craze. And I thought to myself, hey I should post that so I don't loose it. So here, the premise is a band called The Combine, I had planed to do CD Covers and band posters. Well, I did this one, and one other that I lost with that computer issue. So enjoy, I'm not going to list these under Comic Shorts, since they are older.
And since judging by the current standings in the poll, we will be going Bi-Weekly shortly. So much for me being a lazy bastard. I hope you all like to play Team Fortress 2, because we have a big TF2 series coming up, something that we kinda hinted to in this past Monday's issue. So enjoy and feel free to vote no in the next three days, so I can be a lazy bastard.

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