^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Feb 20, 2008

I Know You Can't Weld Ceramic to Metal...

Think outside the box people! She's holding the Gnome, but that doesn't mean she's going to weld it to something. She could very well weld a rig to hold it like a new hood ornament.

Oi, so not a lot of love for that little comic short I did. Maybe I'll try something else. I want to keep doing little one panel shorts, helps clear my head of un-Opti-Pessi ideas.

Also, VOTE! Vote for Bi-Weekly, or well, vote for no Bi-Weekly, I vote no. I'm too busy as it is, and going Bi-Weekly is just going to cause quicker suckier comics to come. So vote NO! :} I'm lazy.

We got that 'new' idea/test coming this Monday. I really want to know what you people think, if we can make this 'chat' idea work in a comic. If it's good(enough) I have some plans for it. If it sucks, look for more cameos by other video game characters.

Here is some stuff to look forward to. We are working on a Team Fortress 2 series and have a Master Chief cameo in the works, plus a few other things we want to keep secret.

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