^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Feb 3, 2008

Lets Get This Wagon Train a Movin' Again...

Well, after buying a new Motherboard, Processor, Video Card, and Hard Drive, I have my computer back up and running again. It's a long story, but now I've got a better system than I had before. And with the recent upgrades to Garry's Mod, I'm able to run the game better than before, which really says a lot. But McNaire and I are doing our best, we have a special guest to apear in Mondays episode. A little nod to a great game in another universe, and well we're both nerds, so...

After this current series is over we are going to try something a little different. Still working on getting more of the old 'Review' style writing into the comic. Hopfully it will play as well as we think.

Finally let us know how much we suck! Seriously, if we don't get any kind of feedback, we could very well run this thing into the ground well before we're due! So, throw us a comment, spread the word, email your friends, post in fourms. Get the word out, and let us know where we go wrong, or on the off chance where we went right.

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