^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Jul 3, 2008

KoreRat Quest!

Okay, so a few weeks ago I got a headset and mic for my computer. Since, every time I play me some TF2 I use it, although I have yet to say anything. At first I was just waiting for a need to say something, not wanting to be a random annoying person in the game. But after a few moments when I should have said 'Spy is Sniper' or 'Heavy/Medic coming across bridge' or 'touch the cart, just touch it!'. I failed. KoreRat you fail.

Then it came to the point where I wasn't even looking for the right time to say anything, I even typed things when I could have said them. I got to the point where I felt I had to make the first thing I say good, meaningful, or at least something.

Therefore I have started the quest for the perfect thing to say as my first thing said. I'm gonna list a few options below and start a forum on the Steam Forums. I'll see what I can get going and then I will make a poll and see what wins. Then the winning phrase will be said on the TF2 server of my choosing, maybe I'll do a second poll for the server...

  • The Rat is in the House!
  • Whatever you do, DON'T UBER ME!
  • It's KORE-SPACE-RAT people!
  • I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
  • It's one small step for KoreRat, one giant leap for KoreRatHood.

EDIT: There are a lot of great idea coming out of the forums... I'm gonna let this run until Sunday before I pick the best for the poll.

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