^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

May 12, 2008

Greatest TF2 Tag "Ever"

This has got to be one of the best TF2 Tags I have seen.

Keep in mind I don't count the "Is Not A Spy" Tags, even though they are awesome. But only when they work and the Spy gets the back stab, otherwise they are just kinda annoying. My current Tag is a smaller version of the Spy Short, but I'm growing tired of it and am looking for something new.

"Also" I added a new link to the "Places of Merit", for those that bother to scroll down that far.
The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks You don't even have to go more than a couple of posts down before you find yourself laughing, uncontrollably sometimes. It's a great daily read. "Seriously".

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