Jun 27, 2008
Jun 23, 2008
Tea Time.
I don't really like this Short, which is why I held on to it for so long, but I feel like I need to give you guys something.
Posted by KoreRat at 6/23/2008 0 comments
Jun 22, 2008
One more before I head off to work.
I was looking at my achievements and have concluded that the following will never be achieved.
- With Friends Like these...
- First Do No Harm
- Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
- Second Opinion
- Family Practice
- Lumberjack
- Clearcutter
- Plan B
- Got A Light?
- BarbeQueQ
- Hotshot
- Hot Potato
I'm not lucky enough for most of those, and I really suck at using the air blast with the Pyro.
But I did get OMGWTFBBQ!
Posted by KoreRat at 6/22/2008 0 comments
Mmph hmmph mmf ghumm!
First and foremost, Pyro Pack Rules! I got my Flare Gun last night, I was also ruling that server. I had the highest score with a forty point gap! I do say that these achievements are much better than the Medic ones. With the Medic achievements most just seem to much a distraction, they are more so a hindrance to your team if you try to obtain them. Pyro achievements, most of them, are the things you're already doing. I can see now this is going to keep me from that KoTOR game I started a few weeks back..
This coming week, I'll be working something around 77 hours between today and Saturday afternoon. Can you guess what I'm going to say next? No Opti-Pessi on Monday, I really hope to get one on Friday. I'm also canning Bi-Weekly, until further notice we will only be releasing on Fridays. I have a lot of crazy crap going on at both bleedin jobs. But I do have a old Short that I never released, I'll post that tomorrow so you got something to look forward too.
Other reasons of a lack of comic are, for Fathers Day I was given the gift of Rock Band! Thus I have spent many nights flailing my arms like a crazed Scout swings his bat, pounding out rythems that fall short of maintaining rythem. That game does rule a bit too much.
Lastly, here is a project I was working on last month, that I finally got up and finished. It's not comic related or TF2. Just a whole other random part of the KoreRat.
Posted by KoreRat at 6/22/2008 0 comments
Jun 21, 2008
Jun 17, 2008
We're not dead.
Saw this great post over at Ubercharged about the 'Red Delicious' VALVe, or is it 'Granny Smith'? Read it here.
Also we have a new video from VALVe. Meet the Sniper is out! Hoo-rah!
I noticed this the second time I watched it. Looks like one of the new guns, I'll bet to replace the Shotty.
Posted by KoreRat at 6/17/2008 0 comments
Jun 14, 2008
I'm not bothering to think of a witty title for this post...
You wanted a Portal vid remake, thus I'm negleting my Opti-Pessi duties and working tirelessly to give you what you want. And for all my loyal readers, here is a sneak peek! Enjoy.
I'm going to sleep now...
Posted by KoreRat at 6/14/2008 0 comments
Jun 13, 2008
Jun 8, 2008
My Turn to Be Lazy
So Saturday I had a closing shift at work and today was a graduation party for a friend. As such, I do not feel much like working on the comic, so Monday's comic will be delayed. I might get it done late Mon, or just wait until Fri, unsure yet. Anyhow, I figure it's my turn to be lazy.
In the meantime here's a good way to waste a few happy minutes AND pick out a great avatar to boot!
100 Kirbys
Posted by McNaire at 6/08/2008 0 comments
Jun 7, 2008
The Alt Key Gives You the Power to Choose.
Don't know how many of you are into the MMO scene. But I thought I'd let you in on a great project. SWG Emu has been around for a while now, you might have heard about it, but they are really starting to get things looking great over there. Just today I reinstalled my copy of Star Wars Galaxies, but instead of playing SOE's game I went and set up to play SWGEmu. If you want to play what was(at least in my opinion) the greatest MMO head over there and get going. It's totally free, and only requires a few downloads, although you might be required to own a copy of SWG, not sure about that.
Star Wars Galaxies, before it was butchered, was a vast and exciting game world. One of the only games where I would just hop off my speeder and wander around the country side. Partly due to my love of Star Wars and partly to to the elegance of the environments. The planets were lush and beautiful, even the deserts, and really made me feel like I was there. The skill based combat system, again my opinion, was/is by-far better than a level based system.
When you play other MMO's, if you're a level 34 and you are fighting a level 35 odds are you'll lose. But with SWG it was never that clear cut. You could be a 2/2/4/3 Marksman fighting a 4/1/3/2 Brawler and you wouldn't have a clue as to whether or not you might win. It was all about your skill points and skill modifiers. True it had it's problems, uber-buffs and stat-stacking, but it was still a great system.
I think it's only true downfall was the implementation of Jedi. At first it wasn't too bad. You might see one Jedi a month, and even then it was always out in the middle of nowhere. Jedis feared being spotted, feared being hunted, and feared most of all, permadeath. To obtain Jedi was really no accomplishment, you only had to master the right professions in the right order, an order that was different for everybody and unknown to everybody until it was accomplished.
Over all, I say that Star Wars Galaxies had the driving force to change the MMO realm, to be a real contender in the current power-grab World of Warcraft currently has on the genre.
I'm not completely biased, I have played other MMO's. I've played World of Warcraft, RuneScape(as if that counts), City of Heros(and City of Villains), The Matrix Online, PlaneShift, and one other that I can't remember. While all these had their bright moments, they all had their downfalls.
I don't claim that SWG, or even SWGEmu, is the Golden Ark of the MMO Covenant. Just that it is excellence, I played SOE's Star Wars Galaxies for almost four years. Four years where the only other game I played was Half-Life 2. Four years of training, fighting, crafting, recruiting, exploring, flying, dying, dueling, questing, and most of all, having fun. More fun than I have had in any other game I have ever played in all my years of gaming.
I'm very excited to see the great updates coming from the SWGEmu Team. I can't wait to unleash my Imperial Master Pikeman unto the unsuspecting galaxy, and truly enjoy a game in a way I haven't for so many years.
I recommend all of you, whether you play any MMO's or not, to check out SWGEmu. Even if you have to go buy a retail copy of SWG, it's worth it.
Posted by KoreRat at 6/07/2008 0 comments
Jun 6, 2008
Do you believe this is Flash?
Take a look at the above pic, do you believe it's Flash? Because it is.
Check out the link below to see for yourself...
Posted by KoreRat at 6/06/2008 0 comments
Jun 2, 2008
Jun 1, 2008
State of the Comic
I found out yesterday at Food Lion(my second job) that they need people in other areas of the store. Thus starting today I'm no longer working in the Deli, and am now in Grocery. I was also told that I could have as many hours as I so chose to have, up to 40. Now, I doubt I'll take 40 on top of the 40 I work at my day job, but you never know.
Therefore, Monday will have a comic release, Friday however, may not. McNaire is finalizing the finishing touches on Mondays Comic as we speak(well, technically he's not home this very second, but he's getting it done in between his RL duties and TF2 Medic Achievements). I have started Fridays, but am not even halfway done with it, and not sure if I will have the time to complete. I hope to get it done in time for McNaire for polish and post.
If there is no time, there will be no Friday comic, and that comic will be released on next Monday. I also believe that my working in the Grocery department my become a permanent thing, along with the extra hours, and since I need the money, I'll take the hours. If this does happen, Opti-Pessi will be forced to fall back to once a week releases...
I'm gonna try hard at keeping things running smooth for Bi-Weekly, but just want to keep you guys aware of the possibilities of the future.
Posted by KoreRat at 6/01/2008 0 comments