^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Jul 2, 2008

Well, Damn.

First, no comic. But I'm gonna assume you kinda figured that out. McNaire holds the files to the last comic I did up, although he has yet to do anything with them. I seem to have lost interest in Opti-Pessi, or at least what it is at this very moment. It started off, in my head, as one thing. But became something completely different in the comics. I'm not saying I quit, or that there will be no more Opti-Pessi, but it will be a while. I'll try and smack McNaire around, perhaps I'll give him some more brownies on Monday, and try to get that last episode finished and released. To all the fans and those who were waiting for Opti and Pessi's venture into Portal, I'm sorry. KoreRat FTL.

I do plan on keeping things around(this site mainly), and I have a couple of ideas that I want to try out. Some comic type things, some others.

Who knows, maybe my other ideas will be better than Opti-Pessi. Or, perhaps they will all be wretched and I'll go back to OP in a week or two...

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