^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Mar 6, 2008

Springing Forward

I hate daylight savings, and the whole concept of time as we know it. I am one of those who believes that we should scrap the whole thing and re-invent a new system. One that doesn't call for moving hours or adding days. But this I'm really ranting in the wrong blog...

So it appears as though you want more, Opti-Pessi that is. Or you just have a sick sence of humor. Either way, starting this April, Opti-Pessi will be Bi-Weekly! Calm down now. We will still be releasing on Mondays, and most likly(unless I fancy another day) will be releasing on Thursdays.

I also want to make some changes to this site, get rid of the preset style, and create something more O-P based. As well as see about doing a couple of specials maybe in April or May. We'll see how things go, just hang around for all the exciting new crap coming about.


Tankjer said...

The only Gmod blog i visit, exept Offical Gmod news. :P
Pleeease, make Opti as Scout or Pyro, and Pessi as Spy. :D

Tankjer said...

O! I didn't remembered something.
How to make a picture in monitor?

KoreRat said...

Happy to hear you enjoy Opti-Pessi. I'm going a slightly different apprach with the TF2 series. While you may have noticed in Episode Eight, Opti does have Steam, but no games. Maybe one day he'll buy Peggle.

And to put a picture in the monitor, it's mainly just copy & paste. But I assume it's a bit more involved than that, to adjust angles and such. A question better suited for McNaire.