^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Feb 10, 2009


Opti-Pessi.BlogSpot.com is no more. There won't be anymore updates, or anything. I've moved from here to a new location at completeBS.net.

This site won't be deleted or removed, but some pictures my be lost. Everything is being transfered to a different server, and I'm not going to take the time to fix all the old posts links and images.

If you are a fan of the comic(s), feel free to check out my new haunt. I can't say that I will be making new comics, but I won't say that I'm not.

Thanks to all the visitors that checked back each week for the latest Opti-Pessi release. And didn't complain or stop visiting when we were late with releasing them.

Bury "KoreRat" Shimel