^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Sep 26, 2008

BLU - Melon

Sep 24, 2008

Ubercharged Pyro Tennis

Last night I had a great game of Pyro Tennis over on the Ubercharged.net server. I recorded a demo of most of it and plan to try and smooth some of the better moments. Keep an eye out.

Sep 19, 2008

BLU - Movies

Sep 13, 2008

TF2 Stuff

Here is a bunch of TF2 randomness...

I associate the great Sniper night to the fact that I was listening to the new Metallica album while playing.

And, my first attempt at Smooth in TF2...

And, my second...

Sep 12, 2008

This has nothing to do with games...

But MetallicA is BACK!

So it's been five years since a studio release, eleven since a good one, and that was even recorded a year and a half before it was released. But it's okay now, with their newest album, Death Magnetic, they have brought back the sound well remembered and loved from their '84-'91 releases. The old school MetallicA.

Being a die hard 'tallica fan, I'm super stoked about this, and have a feeling this will be about all I listen to for a while.

BLU - Sandvich

Sep 11, 2008

Name Drop!

Just saw that I got a name drop over at Ubercharged.net. Go me! Last sentence of the post. "KoreRat has posted a thread with more in the forums."

Sep 10, 2008

Sep 7, 2008


Sep 6, 2008

It can be done!

To all those who said it couldn't be done! Ha!

Sep 5, 2008


Super Sneaky McNaire Secrets

Here is some TOP SECRET footage of McNaire's new prototype Piegeon launcher.

BLU - Race

Sep 4, 2008

I suck at TF2...

My current TF2 stats:

Sep 3, 2008

A Better Buy?

Sep 1, 2008


Saw a post over at the Ubercharged.net forums that mentioned a way to get the 'Ultra High' graphics. I looked into it it myself, and as you can see from the above image, it does work. I set it as high as -10, but didn't see any difference than -3. There is a lot of noticable slowdown along with it, but then my system could still use a few upgrades. Oh, and this will work(as far as I know) for any of the Source games, at least Orange Box and up.

It's old, but new to me.