^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Jan 28, 2008

Episode Four

Jan 25, 2008

Mother of all issues.

My computer fried it's motherboard yesterday. I'm in the process of getting a quick swap out with a new one thanks to the help of many great people. But I may out of commission until Monday. If I'm unable to post the new Episode, fear not, McNaire will take care of it for me. This may cause a small hiccup, but something that wont be felt for a few weeks, and I doubt many of you will notice.

Jan 21, 2008

Episode Three

Jan 17, 2008

Side projects

Something I put together in between comics.

Jan 14, 2008

Episode Two

Jan 12, 2008

Might have this thing nailed.

McNaire and I have been working pretty hard to get on a good schedule with these comics. As you can see its been pretty erratic thus far. But we think we might have something here. We are about 3-4 issues ahead of release, and want to keep it that way. So the next issue will be out on Monday, and this should become the standard. *crosses fingers*

Jan 7, 2008

Jan 4, 2008

Hey, I'm a Father!

Lillian Victoria Shimel
1/3/2008 11:05am
11lbs 21inches