^^^I've moved to a new location^^^

Dec 29, 2007

Holiday Special One

Keeping the Entertainment Values Up

While we await the return of McNaire, I have decided to show you just what he does here at Opti-Pessi. Below you see the Original cut of Episode One and next to it is the McNaire version. As you can see, my image editing software(that has less features than MS Paint) is far surpassed by his...

So, as you can clearly see. With just me alone the format is poor, the layout is subpar, and it just downright blows. We need McNaire! I might, depending on how long he's out, just release Opti-Pessi with my layout, and let McNaire catch up or skip the missed Episodes. Don't know, but we'll figure something out.

Dec 28, 2007

Delays on the back nine

There will be a small delay getting the Opti-Pessi Holiday Special One and Two out. McNaire is currently ill, and well his editing is far better than my own...

Stay tuned we'll get them out as soon as we can!

Dec 25, 2007

Episode One

Merry Christmas

Welcome to the new, and well, first home for Opti-Pessi! Check back for more Episodes as the gears get rolling come January!

Oh, and enjoy your holiday, you'll see how Opti and Pessi spent theirs shortly.


BLU has ended.

But we might make random releases

Other Projects

Other Projects I have worked on, mainly Comic Shorts but a few other things.

Dec 12, 2007


Created By:


Failed Comedian


Editor In Chief
Reminder of the Quick Save
Author of PyroScribe.com


Posing Assistant
Creative Input
Lousey TIE Pilot

Asides from the above, Opti-Pessi and BLU are brought to you with the creative designs of the following people*. All content downloaded from garrysmod.org, unless otherwise noted.

Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, Source Engine, Team Fortress 2, and Portal Content all ©VALVe Software.
Ship Content ©Outerlight.
Created in Garry's Mod.

Opti-Pessi: Season One

Egg Nog created by Half Deadd.
'Taxi' created by Solid_Granite and GiGaBiTe.
Apartment created by ZachyBones.
Bastila, Ebon Hawk, and Duke Nukem created by Halo4Life.
Yoshi's created by maddima.
Joanna Dark created by FrozenFish.
Master Chief, Agent 47, and Solid Snake created by CMasta.
Big Daddy and Princess Zelda created by FluxMage.
Lara Croft created by CodenameGmod.
Cans created by AUownage.
Resident Evil 4 models created by Siwy.
WoW Knight created by penvag.
Yoda created by xexos.
Crysis Dude created by diwako.
Sonic the Hedgehog Characters created by xFyre.


"Movies" map created by ^Tomala^ from FPSBanana.

Shorts and Specials

Star Wars Mod uploaded by mechwarrior.
IPhone ceated by simme.
McDonalds and Best Buy curotisey of I Waste Air.
Stargate content created by aVoN.
Nuke created by Doomsale.

Opti-Pessi: Season Two

New clothes courtesy of Freiser and xwxxwx.
Karl's place(Park House) created by TicTac.
'Downtown' created by Sgt. Sickness and SirZolofto.
Arena by SimonS.

*credit is given to the uploader of content to the garrysmod.org website, and is not always the creator of said content. If you are the creator of content listed and not named for such, feel free to contact me for corrections.